今天的日期是: 05/10/24
 事工專題: 講道事工

講章例子和分析: 例子 3

簡析:簡析: 這是一個在醫院教堂內15分鐘週間迷你崇拜聚會中的七分鐘講道。其中包括了對一突發社會悲劇的反應。 經文的選擇是根據通用經文彙編和教會節期 的引導。講章的功能是關顧安慰。所選經文段落以重述的方式來進入對神話 語的品味。 經文神學內容是基督了解人性的缺點但仍包容挽回 的奇異之 愛。講章幫助聽眾在這樣的愛中,找到對突發社會事件對心靈衝擊震撼 之後所需的一個智慧,安慰,和盼望。

經文: 約翰福音 21:1-17

“Jesus is risen” was the first important message for the first generation of Christians and Christian churches. According to our four gospels, Jesus had intentionally appeared to his disciples, his relatives, and many others during the forty days after his resurrection. Today’s Scripture was one of these episodes, actually the third appearance. The place was at Lake Galilee. The time was unknown, but it was probably after the eighth day. By that time, most disciples had gone back to their homes and picked up their old fishing profession to make a living. According to the Gospel of Matthew and Luke, these disciples had been seen by Jesus, been taught by him, and been entrusted with his mission. Possibly, after Jesus was put on the cross, the Roman officials were still watching the disciples every move. The cruelty of the cross was still in their eyes and ears. They were afraid. They had not received the power of the Holy Spirit. They did not know what to do. They needed time to process all of these events that had happened in the past weeks. They needed time to reflect on these events and decide what to do with Jesus.

Anyway, these disciples went back to their old professions. They needed to make a living. They worked hard. One night they had been working very hard but they did not catch any fish. They were tired. They were sleepy. They probably worried about what to eat and live on for the next few days. In such a very stressful hour, a voice came to their ears. “Children, have you any fish?” And, more, “Cast the net on the right side of the boat, and you will find some. “ These disciples did as they heard in their tiredness and in their frustrations. Quickly from their experience, they recognized that the voice was from their Lord. As usual, he cared for them. He understood the struggles of making a living. He knew their physical needs. The disciples were awoken. They rejoiced. Jesus continued with his open arms and warm voice: “Come and have breakfast.” He cooked for them. He waited on them. He was the same Lord who had washed their feet at the last Passover supper and taught them love for one another. The smell of well-cooked fish was up in the air. Their appetites were opened up. They chatted, they talked, they questioned, they discussed. They were face to face with Jesus in the early morning by the Lake. They were overjoyed.

Peter was one of the disciples. Our Scripture tells us that Jesus had a special time with Peter. What could have Peter felt? He had boldly promised that He would follow Jesus no matter what would happen. During those critical hours, he denied Jesus three times. He was not there for Jesus when Jesus was on the cross. However, now Jesus comes to him, to restore him, to forgive him, to heal him, to call him, and to entrust him with His eternal business again. Jesus did not remember his weakness, his failures, his coward ness, his confused judgments, or his holding-back. Jesus knew all too well our humanity. He had His own way to fix all of Peter’s weaknesses.

This is our Lord. He loves us unconditionally. He calls us to love Him with our whole heart, in spite of the sins of the world and the wounds of the world, in spite of the storms and bitterness in our lives. In his love, just as he did for His disciples, he is willing to heal our emotional damages, hopelessness, helplessness, fear, shame, foolishness, and stupidity.

A week ago, the Virginia Tech massacre occurred. All of a sudden, the whole world was turned upside down and lives were heartbroken, families left weeping. In the midst of pains, sorrows, and confusions, we were left with numerous why-questions. We were also left with what -to –do questions. I was there too. I watched every step of the development of this tragedy. I sought answers from God. Finally, I saw a light of love shining from God. At the memorial service, thirty-three persons were remembered, including all the victims and the gunman. From the church, thirty-three bell tolls were heard for all victims and the gunman. I was suddenly reminded that on the cross, Jesus cried out, “it is finished.” His victory over sin and death is accomplished. He has bore our sins, sorrows, burdens, and weights. His work to bring us peace, hope, life, and love has finished. He is willing to give us peace, hope, love, and life now.

To our many “why” questions, Jesus has only one question for us: It is finished. Will you receive it? It is our problem: Have we received His finished work? In this post-Easter season, I invite you to open your heart and receive the comfort, renewal, and love from the grace of Christ on the cross and the power of God in Christ’s resurrection






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