Today is: 07/27/24

Prayer Request

Our Promises

"Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need." - ( Hebrews 4:16, NIV)

"Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." - (Philiapians 4: 6-7, NIV)

“You parents—if your children ask for a loaf of bread, do you give them a stone instead? Or if they ask for a fish, do you give them a snake? Of course not! So if you sinful people know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give good gifts to those who ask him." - (Matthew 7: 9-11, NLT)

Prayer Items of the Month


- summer missions to bring the blessings to planned regions and peoples.

- the graduates in all levels of schools to transit to a new stage of life with new guidance, new wisdom and new strength

- the congregations and believers to be renewed and strengthened in the power of the Holy Spirit

- the aging retired ministers to have the peace and wellness in their whole spirit, soul and body

- dads, moms, husbands, wives to grow and to receive blessings to fulfill the roles in their families and marriages

- Wisdom and abilities to congregations for change, transformation, and renewal in post Covid-19 time


- The students in all levels to have a sound and balanced growth and maturity in new school year

- The teachers and workforce on campuses to have wisdom of guiding, leading, and serving.

- The campuses and neighborhoods around them to have safety and peace

- The families with school children to have strength and smooth adjsutments

- Campus Christian Ministries to share the good news and to strengthen Chrisitan students


- Give thanks for the workers in every corner for their services and works to make better communities

- Workers to have capabilities to balance the demands from works, families, churches, and others

- Believers to be the light and salt at their workplaces with their good works and lifestyles reflecting the fragrance in Christ’s salvation

- Workers to be strengthened and blessed to play out their roles, functions, and purposes at the assigned places

- Leaders in all levels to have vision, wisdom, sound mind, healthy emotions, leadership, and capabilities to accomplish their works and to bring the wellness and peace to the people of the lands

- The wounded souls and those who are facing challenges and difficulties at workplaces to receive understanding, comfort, healing, and solutions.

- The ministries to workers in Christian groups to be strengthened


- Those who wander in wilderness to be guided into the restful dwelling places

- Those who are stricken by sickness to be healed, strengthened and encouraged

- Those who face life storms to enter calmness and to resume the life journey

- Those in trials and temptations to have wisdom and a way out

- Those in loneliness to have the presence of God and friends

- Those in grief and loss to receive comfort and hope

- Those in fear and worry to have confidence and peace

- Those who are contrite for sins and failures to receive forgiveness and chances

- Those who are wronged to get understanding and justice

- Those who are tired and weary to be renewed to walk and run again

- Those who are frustrated and disappointed to be supported and cheered up

- Those in need of life necessities to receive good provisions

- Those who are oppressed and despised to receive favor, respect and dignity

- Those in confusion and chaos to receive enlightenment to see the order and perspectives

- The good news of Jesus Christ's coming and coming again to be preached and shared

- God's tender mercy, goodness and steadfast love to be tasted, celebrated and praised


-The Gospel of Jesus Christ to be communicated, received and praised

- New believers to grow stably in faith and long-years' believers to have deeper renewal and breakthrough

- Congregations to have new vision, new mission, new energy

- God to renew His mercy and goodness to us


- the life and ministry of Jesus on earth to be preached, meditated, and understood

- the amazing love and power in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ to be experienced and praised

- believers to see God more clearly, to love God more dearly, to follow God more nearly day by day

- the missionaries everywhere to be blessed with strength and wisdom to communicate the good news of Jesus Christ

- peace for our neighborhoods, towns, cities, regions, continents

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Prayer Request

- Current Month


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-Bible Books


Free Training Mental Health Initiative for church by Light University

-info on 2024 Christian Ministry Learning and special grant Opportunities

-EFC educational workshop

-Rev.Dr. Samuel Tang Bookroom

-Church Leadership Podcast

-free courses at Our Daily Bread Christian University for edifying and serving