Today is: 02/16/25

The Bible: Introduction

Note: full contents are available in Chinese language only.

Overview of the Bible

Basic Natures of the Bible \ Introducing the New Testament \ Introducing the Old Testament \ Relations of the Old Testament and the New Tastement

Introducing the New Testament

1)The Gospel Books

Overview \ Matthew \ Mark \ Luke \ John

2)The Acts of Apostles

3)The Letters of Paul

(1) Overview
Who is Paul? \ Overview of the Letters of Paul

(2) By individual books
Romans \ 1Corinthians \ 2 Corinthians \ Galtians \ Ephesians \ Philippians \ Colossians \ 1 Thessalonians \ 2 Thessalonians \ 1 Timothy \ 2 Timothy \ Titus \ Philemon

(3) By topics
Law and Christ \ Saving Grace of Jesus Christ \ The Holy Spirit \ The Church \ Salvation and Living \ Suffering and Hope \ Pastoral Ministers \ The Second Coming of Jesus Christ

4) The general Letters

(1) Overview of the General Letters

(2) Jewish Letters
Overview \ Hebrews \ James \ Jude

(3) Peterine Letters
Who is Peter? \ 1 Peter \ 2 Peter

(4) Letters of John
Overview \ Who is John? \ 1 John \ 2John \ 3John

5) Revelation

Introducing the Old Testament

1) The Five Books of Moses

Overview \ Whos is Moses? \ Genesis \ Exodus \ Leviticus \ Numbers \ Deuteronomy

2) The Historical Books

Overview of The Historical Books \ Joshua \ Judges \ Ruth \ 1 Samuel \ 2 Samuel \ 1 Kings \ 2 Kings \ 1 Chronicles \ 2 Chronicles \ Ezra \ Nehemiah \ Esther

3) The Wisdom Literature

Overview of Wisdom Literature \ Job \ Psalms \ proverbs \ Ecclesiastes \ Song of Solomon

4) Prophet Books

Overview of The Prophet Books

(1) The Major Prophet Books

Intro the Major Prophet Books \ Isaiah \ Jeremiah \ Lamentations \ Ezekiel \Daniel

(2) The Minor Prophet Books

Intro the Minor Books \ Hosea \ Joel \ Amos \ Obadiah \ Jonah \ Micah \ Nahum \ Habakkuk \ Zephaniah \ Haggai \ Zechariah \ Malachi

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