Today is: 05/09/24

The New Testament

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Weekly Bible Devotion By Books

April 1-6 2024

Enter the presence of the Lord-

(All) Praise the Lord.
(Men)Praise God in his sanctuary;
(Women) praise him in his mighty heavens.
(Men) Praise him for his acts of power;
(Women) praise him for his surpassing greatness.
(Men) Praise him with the sounding of the trumpet,
(Women) praise him with the harp and lyre,
(Men) praise him with timbrel and dancing,
(Women) praise him with the strings and pipe,
(Men) praise him with the clash of cymbals,
(Women) praise him with resounding cymbals.
(All) Let everything that has breath praise the Lord.
(All) Praise the Lord. (Psalm 150, NIV)


Jesus Christ, we confess that sometimes we lost the vision of you plan for the world. We live in the mentality of “I can live whatever way I want. My life is not your business”. Or we say,” there is no God”. O, we are foolish and blind. Forgive us. Come, Jesus. Clear our vision and ignite our love for you and your ways of life. We pray in your name. Amen.

Scripture reading:: The Book of Revelation

Thoughts to Share : Jesus Christ, the King, the Lord

It is easy for us to get lost in the ‘other world’ scenes in our first reading of the book of Revelation. We can start to comprehend it only after we come under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. The book is about the consummation of the kingdom of God. It is about the fulfillment of the Old Testament prophecies concerning 'The Day of the Lord'. It is about the fulfillment of two angels’ final words to Jesus’ disciples: he will return. Most importantly, it is about the full revelation of Jesus Christ who has ascended to heaven lives and reigns forever.

Apostle John wrote down this book in the sequence of his watching this grand panoramic scene. He was led to see and learn the things to come beyond his own lifetime.

Firstly, we encounter a glorious Jesus who had come in human form and died on the cross to save all of us from the sins.

We see the description of Jesus’ appearance and voice: “he was clothed with a long robe and with a golden sash around his chest. The hairs of his head were white, like white wool. Like snow. His eyes were like a flame of fire. His feet were like burnished bronze, refined in a furnace, and his voice was like the roar of many waters. In his right hand, he held seven stars, from his mouth came a sharp two-edges sword, and his face was like the sun shining in full strength.” (1: 13-16)

We see Jesus’ character: holy, true, faithful, eternal (was, is, and is to come), love, alive forevermore, just, authority, sovereign.

We see many ways of addressing who Jesus is - The first born of the dead, the ruler of kings on earth, (1:5) the Alpha and the Omega (1:8), the Almighty, the first and the last, the living one (1:17-18), lion of the tribe of Judah, the root and the descendent of David (5:5, 22:16), the Word of God (19:13), the Faithful and True (19:11a) sitting on a white horse, the ultimate judge who judges all, even the Death and Hades and war-maker in his righteousness (19:11, 14), son of man, the Lord and God Almighty sitting on the throne and received worship by all angels and all elders (4), the Lamb who was slain and by his blood he ransomed people for God and has made them a kingdom and priests to God (5:9), the host of marriage supper(19:9), King of kings and Lord of lords (19:16), the husband of the holy city Jerusalem (21:9), the conqueror who opens the scroll and seven seals (judgements), (5:5) the bright morning star (22:16)

We will be more than astonished about who Jesus is. Apostle John described his reaction- “I fell at his feet as though dead.’ (1:17). It is such a glorious and majestic King who came down to the earth and saved us by his blood, walking with us and talking to us. What an amazing grace Jesus gave us.

Secondly, we see Jesus’ works. He continues to work to fulfill every promise concerning him foretold by the Old Testament prophets. Salvation belongs to him. He shall reign forever and ever. We see-

1) He will supervise his Church.

We see that he walked among churches in Asian Minor to supervise them, admonish them, encourage them, and direct them (Book of Revelation, Chapter 2 & 3) We can be sure that he still does same things among our churches today.

2) He will judge. He has plans. He has a timing for each. He has a sequence in his plans.

We see three series of wrath of God and judgement of God: the seven seals, seven trumpets, and seven bowls/plagues. Here we see the dark side of all prophecy in the old testament come to true. These judgements shall come upon people, seas, waters and rivers, land, and the sun, moon, stars in the sky. Their scopes shall be so large, and their severity shall be so devastating. We see that the Dragon with its servants such as sea beast, land beast, false prophets, kings and generals, cities, and nations on the earth shall make wars against God’s people and God Himself. The judgements shall end with the fall of Babylon the great city and the Dragon ‘s being thrown into the lake of fire and sulfur forever. We can be fearful and trembling simply by reading these judgments.

To believers, they need to protect themselves and to rely on God’s protection amid all judgements. Moreover, they need to stand firm and keep perseverance to the end. The Lord knows those who genuinely love him to the death. To non-believers, these judgements serve as a call to repent and to return to God. They are advised to make a clear choice of following God’s ways.

3) He will save. we see series of God’s gracious, merciful, and mighty acts amid the series of wrath and judgement.

We see that God has plans to keep and preserve his own. He will give time for more and more people to repent and return to God. He will ask angels pause to allow 144,000 from every tribe of the sons of Israel and those from every nation, language, tribe, and people who confess him as the Lord to be sealed from harm. He will recognize and comfort those righteous, sanctified and overcame the world, who come out of the great tribulation and who are in the presence of God. (chapter 7) He shall pause to listen and receive the prayers of saints for judgments. (Chapter 8) He shall call angels not to harm certain things such as trees, plants…. (chapter 9). He shall send out two witnesses to prophesize and give testimony for 42 months to save more people. He shall continue to call people out of the sins of Babylon city even amid the city is fallen. (chapters 11 and18) He shall send out three angels to proclaim eternal gospel (Chapter 14). He shall be on behalf of believers to fight against the evil ones and ensure the ultimate victory for them. (chapter 19:11-16)

4) He will usher in the new Jerusalem

We see the final arrival of the new Jerusalem- holy, beautiful, and bright- and the happy and glorious days for the saints. It will come after the final judgment before the Great White Throne. When we read the chapters 21 and 22 of the Book of Revelation, who can refuse to go such a wonderful dwelling place? Who will not burst praises and joy? Here we see the glorious side of all prophecy in the Old Testament come to true.

The book of Revelation tells us, when Apostle John received this revelation, the Christ-followers were in a persecuted circumstances and time. They did not know when this wave of persecution would be over. They had to ask: Will God forget them? Will God continue to seal the mystery concerning the future to them? When the world could not give them any hope, where will their hope be found? Where is Jesus Christ at this moment? Is he still silent? What is the ‘Day of the Lord’ prophesized in the ancient prophets? What will the ‘returning of Jesus Christ’ look like? What is ‘the end of age’? The revelation that Apostle John received surely was a great comfort to those in persecution, a warning to those who needs repentance while they still have time to do so, and a call for the Christ-followers to endure and to hold fast in their keeping all teachings of God and their faith in Jesus (14:12)

We are in 2021. It has been almost two thousand years passed by since Apostle John wrote down this revelation. We do not know how long we will wait for the arrival of the promised final happy days. By reading revelation, we realize that the end of age is a time span. The Day of the Lord is not one single day. We can be cheered that we are moving closer and closer toward that final happy days. Yes, the sufferings for all reasons are in our everyday life at the present time. When we know Jesus on the throne, we can be comforted, strengthened, and inspired. We need such a vision of glorious and victorious Jesus. We can fully trust this life in him. We can trust his love, wisdom, might and power. We can continue to give him thanks and praises. We can worship him. We can wait upon him patiently.

Prayer Suggestions

Jesus Christ, King of kings, Lord of lords, I am amazed at that you saved us and brought us into your wonderful kingdom. Whom are we? Yet you love us so much beyond our comprehension. Yes, all that we know you and taste you are just a tiny portion of what is to come. We look forward to your coming. We look forward to the happy days in your holy, beautiful, bright, and glorious city with you forever and forever. We pray that many and many more will repent and return to you along the way you are coming to us. We praise you, thank you, and pray to you in your wonderful name. Amen.


The grace of Jesus Christ be with you all.

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