Today is: 05/09/24

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April 23-28, 2024

Take a few deep breaths and center yourself and quiet down.

Entering the presence of God

(M)Happy are those who live in your courts.
We shall be satisfied with the goodness of your house.

(W)Surely, God is my helper;
the Lord is the upholder of my life.

(All) He is good; his love endures forever.
Praise the LORD, O my soul!


God of our lives, as we look into our substance, we are just dust. But you have compassion on us. You fashioned us after your own image. You gave us the breath of life. You gave your son Jesus to remove our sins and transgressions. You called us as your children. You charged us with the work of managing and supervising your world. You saw us as precious, lovely and righteous. You are with us. You have a great plan for our future. Truly, we stand in awe of the wonder of your love toward us. We praise you and thank you. In the name of Jesus Christ.

Scripture Reading

Philippians 4:8 (NIV)

Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.”

Thoughts to share and to ponder

Our Bible pointed to us the power of our thinking. The first commandment in the Garden of Eden was a guideline to direct us to how to think. The first couple Adam and Eve fell because they forgot this commandment and went after how they felt first.

Our modern management specialists know that the way we think about people determines how we manage them. Our modern life-stress coaches advocate that keeping a proper perception of the people and happenings around us is one of the ways of nurturing our hopeful hearts. Our many therapists and counselors are spending hours and hours to redirect the way of thinking in their clients.

What is your thinking habits or orientations? What is the role of thinking in your life? The way we think about ourselves or others or things do affect our performance, our relations, and our healthy living. As Paul gave this instruction, he put it in the context of our feeling life -- peace, joy, anxiety, restlessness. Paul reminds us that in God's design, he never intends us to downplay our thinking role in our living.

What fills up in your mind? What do you let your mind be filled and directed? Brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.”

Prayer Suggestions:

Examine what bothers you now. It can be an event, a relation, a conflict, and a problem. Look into your thinking. What is its orientation? What is the source of it? Try to take another perspective to think as the scripture directed. See how you feel now.

God of our mind, guard the way we think. Guide the way we think. May peace and joy come into our lives. May anxiety and restlessness go away. Thanks for the presence of your Spirit. It is like spring breeze, like morning sun, like living water. My soul becomes calm. My spirit is risen. I am in spacious ground now. Thanks. Amen, in the name of Jesus Christ, we pray.


May the Lord bless you and keep you. May the Lord make His face shine upon you and be gracious to you. May the Lord turn His face toward you and give you peace. May God himself, the God of peace, sanctify you through and through. May your whole spirit, soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.

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